Contact us

Our main office is in Mantua, it is here that we develop our ideas and organize the trips we offer you.

Our address is:
Viale S. Zonta 2/C - 46029 Suzzara (Mantova) - Italy
P.zza V. Emanuele II° - 41011 Campogalliano (Modena)- Italy

Call us for information:
+39 340 4937486
+39 346 8166036
Or fill out the form on the side, we will be happy to provide you with all the information you want.

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Idee in Viaggio - Travel and Tourism Agency
Our proposals, your ideas, the shared joy of exploring Italy together with us: places, people, cultures, and pure fun!

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Idee in Viaggio

Viale S. Zonta 2/C - 46029 Suzzara (MN)
Piazza V. Emanuele II n. 18 - 41011 Campogalliano (MO)

call Deborha (MN): +39 340 4937486
call Marcella(MO): +39 346 8166036