Address: Viale S. Zonta 2/C
46029 Suzzara (MN) - Italy
Address: Piazza V. Emanuele II n. 18 41011 Campogalliano (MO)
For over 20 years, I have been crafting tailor-made journeys for those who seek authentic and enjoyable exploration of the world.
My passion for travel has led me to curate unique experiences for my clients, tailored to their needs and interests.
My philosophy is to create journeys that go beyond mere tourism, providing a true immersion into local culture, with opportunities to meet locals, discover hidden gems, and savor delicious authentic cuisine.
As an expert in incoming tourism, I specialize in offering visitors an insider's perspective on our beautiful region, ensuring unforgettable experiences and meaningful connections with the local community
We are in:
Viale S. Zonta 2/C - 46029 Suzzara (Mantova) - Italy
P.zza V. Emanuele II° - 41011 Campogalliano (Modena)- Italy
Call us to ask for information
+39 340 4937486
+39 346 8166036
Or fill out the form on the side. We will be happy to provide you with all the information you want.
call Deborha (MN): +39 340 4937486
call Marcella(MO): +39 346 8166036